The Vital Signs 2023 reports have just been released in partnership with three Okanagan Community Foundations
Together the Community Foundation North Okanagan (CFNO), Central Okanagan Foundation (COF) and Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen (CFSOS) produced three Vital Signs reports that examine the strengths, challenges and needs across the Okanagan Valley.
These three reports take a closer look at the smaller communities making up the North Okanagan, the Central Okanagan and the South Okanagan Similkameen –while making comparisons to the entire Okanagan and the province of British Columbia. These reports show us where we are falling short in providing for our most vulnerable citizens and offer a platform of data and trends to examine for future solutions.
What is Vital Signs?
Vital Signs is a biennial report that measures the well-being of all of our communities in the South Okanagan Similkameen—from Summerland, down to Osoyoos and over to Princeton—using data and information on everything from health, the environment, the economy and more.
Vital Signs is a useful tool for community organizations, charities, municipalities and volunteers to learn about issues in our community that need our attention.
How is the data organized?
Our Foundation provides data for its Vital Signs reporting in the following issue areas that have been established by Community Foundations of Canada:
- Arts & Culture
- Belonging & Participation
- Environment
- Getting Around
- Health & Wellness
- Housing
- Income Gap
- Getting Started
- Learning
- Safety
- Work & Economy
These issue areas are aligned with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Thank you to our sponsors for supporting the 2023 Vital Signs report!
Presenting Sponsor

Sign Sponsor

Issue Area Sponsors

Vital Conversations
We’ll be hosting a series of Vital Conversation events across the region in 2024! These events will be centered around the screening and discussions on the documentary “UnCharitable”. Take a look below to see the summaries of our conversations!:
Vital Conversation in Cawston – April 24, 2024 at Row Fourteen
Past Vital Signs Reports
Click on the images below to download past Vital Signs Reports from the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen: