Vance’s Camp Boyle Legacy Fund
1960 -1990
Vance was the kind of a child and man who loved the outdoors. That is why Scouts Canada Camp Boyle is such a natural, for his Legacy. Vance spent over ten years in Cubs, Scouts and Venturers. Along with seven other young men from Penticton, Vance earned the Governor-General’s Chief Scout Award in the Boy Scouts organization. All eight young men achieved this award in 1975 at a ceremony held in Vernon, B.C.

Many happy days were spend at Scouts Canada Camp Boyle, during the early years of the Camps development. Penticton was very fortunate to have strong leadership and as a parent, I can only say a belated “thank-you” to the fine Scout leaders of that day. Vance also spent time at the Outward Bound facility on the Similkameen River. With young men from the 1st Penticton Venturers Troop , he canoed Bowron Lakes circuit in record time. He played tennis and was a very good curler.
After Pen-High graduation and a couple of semesters at Summerland High to upgrade, he attended B.C. Institute of Technology , in Burnaby. One year and a half later Vance earned his ticket as a Ground Engineer for helicopter repairs. Then he began his career in northern, B. C. At that time, working in the north, a distance from hospitals, you received a tax break from the federal government. The family thought it was ironic that not only did he get that tax break he also received a bonus for working in the north, and double irony: he loved the north and his work. Vance had many job offers as he apparently had made a name for himself by positioning an engine from one helicopter into another, a tricky thing to do apparently. We have been told, he was written up in the papers of his industry. Going through his belongings we found job offers from many companies, as far away as Saudi Arabia.

Our family has many pictures of Vance,, scuba diving, ice-fishing, snowshoeing, skiing, camping and more helicopter fishing in northern lakes. Vance packed so much outdoor living into his 29 years. He golfed and played ball, on the northern tundra. He spent many years, flying and camping, when his job took him even further north from his base at Fort St John, B. C. In 1990 he changed companies and was based at a mining camp near Wrangell, Alaska.
It was on the north-west coast of BC. that Vance and six other mining passengers lost their lives in a white-out helicopter crash, on the Stikine River in February of 1990. This was a very sad period in the life of the Schellenberg family and we want to have him remembered. This is why we are proud to set up Vance’s Camp Boyle Legacy (Fund) that will be ongoing under the watchful eyes of the Community Foundation of South Okanagan / Similkameen.
The Schellenberg Family