Shayna’s family have always enjoyed the Carmi trails and were disappointed by the garbage and refuse left at the trails and wanted to do something about that. Shayna applied for a Neighbourhood Small Grant to host a neighbourhood event and shine a spotlight on the trails.
“Bringing awareness to the trails and their beauty, along with our responsibility to take care of them, led me to consider hosting the event there.” After talking to some neighbours they decided to move forward with a winter gathering to include some sports, gathering around a bonfire, and sharing in some classic campfire food.
“The day of the event was beautiful and sunny and we had just gotten our first snowfall after record-breaking high temperatures in December. Everyone enjoyed the food and hot beverages and stayed well into the afternoon after enjoying the talk from our speakers from the Penticton Indian Band and sledding with their families.” Bonus: Firewood was offered for sale to support the Princess Margaret Dry Grad.