Our application review is underway! Foundation Grant recipients will be announced in the first week of February, 2025.
General Information
Who can apply for a Foundation grant?
The Community Foundation will consider funding projects, programs and activities of not-for-profit and charitable organizations which align with our charitable aims. The applicant’s project, program or activity must also demonstrate a fit with our funding guidelines and priorities.
If you’re an individual hoping to host a neighbourhood event or fund a small local project, please consider applying for a neighbourhood small grant here. The next application cycle for the Neighbourhood Small Grant program will take place in Spring 2025.
What’s the timeline?
To accommodate delivery of the Okanagan Prosperity Fund, we have shifted the timing of our annual Foundation grant cycle for 2024/25. A mandatory letter of interest component has also been added to the program. Prospective applicants must submit a letter of interest by October 25th to be invited to submit a full application.
The information gathered from these letters will help us communicate the anticipated level of competition for grants to prospective applicants before they begin their applications.
Here is the timeline we’ll follow for our Foundation grant cycle this year:
September 16 through October 25 (note new end date) | October 11 through November 20 (note new start and end dates) | December through January | January | Early February |
Letter of interest submission period. | Application submission period. Applicants must submit a letter of interest before applying. All applications must be received by 5pm on the due date. | Grants Committee reviews applications and makes funding recommendations. | Community Impact Committee receives and approves grant recommendations. Applicants are notified. | Grant payments begin to successful applicants. |
Funding Guidelines
Please read the following funding guidelines carefully before you start the application process:
How do I access the application portal?
Access to the application portal is now closed for 2025 Foundation grants.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply for both an Okanagan Prosperity Fund and a Foundation grant?
You are welcome to submit an application to each program, especially if you are looking to support two separate components of your work. Please keep in mind that we expect very high demand for funding through the Foundation grant program, which means that it is less likely (but not impossible) that an organization will receive a grant from both programs.
How are grant decisions made?
Grant recommendations are made by a volunteer Grants Committee that reviews applications received. The Grants Committee is made up of independent community members from across the South Okanagan Similkameen. Smaller, community-specific committees may also contribute to the process by evaluating applications from their community/area and providing the Grants Committee with their non-binding recommendations.
The Grant’s Committee’s recommendations are approved by the Community Impact Committee of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Are faith-based projects eligible for funding?
We do not make grants for projects specifically intended to promote a specific faith or faith-based perspective. However, faith-based organizations are encouraged to apply for projects that provide direct support or benefit to the wider community.
Can you apply for funding outside of the service area of the CFSOS?
We provide grants to charities and non-profits for projects, programs and activities taking place within the boundaries of the RDOS. If you are unsure of your eligibility based on this criteria, please contact us before applying.
Do demographics play a role in deciding who will get money?
We have more than 100 endowment funds, and all have the opportunity to assign grant criteria to their money.
Some of these endowment funds restrict granting based on geography (only Penticton, for example) and/or a field of interest (only animal welfare).
So the answer is, yes, demographics can play a role in granting decisions. However, these decisions are made based on the criteria chosen by the donors, not by the CFSOS.
What happens if I forgot to submit last year’s grant report?
If you forgot to submit your report for a previous year’s grant, please contact grants@cfso.net before proceeding through the application process. We will still accept your report, but your application will only be eligible for funding if the report is in before the application deadline or you have made prior arrangements with the Grants Manager (because the project for which previous funding was received is not yet complete, for example).
How soon do we receive the money?
Grant awards are generally approved at a meeting of the Community Impact Committee following the Grants Committee’s decision-making process. Grants will be payable starting in February, assuming the project is ready to receive the funds.
We do not release money until the grantee confirms they are ready to use the money. For example, if your project begins in March and you won’t be spending money on it until June, you will be eligible to receive the money in June. It’s important to note that you will not receive the money until you formally request the funds.
What does the application review process look like?
Applications are initially reviewed by Foundation staff to ensure they are complete, meet the basic requirements for applying, and include enough information to allow the Grants Committee to make informed decisions. Staff also provide additional information to supplement the application, including a history of past grants and other background details that may assist the Grants Committee in making its decisions.
Grants Committee members first review and rate the applications independently. Applications are ranked on merit using several key criteria that remain confidential. This means that a seniors’ project will be ranked in direct comparison to a heritage project, for example. The individual rankings are combined by staff to create an aggregate ranking of all applications.
The Committee then meets to discuss the specifics of who will receive grants, and for how much. A initial review of the aggregate rankings takes place, which sometimes results in an application moving up or down the rankings list. After this initial review, the Committee begins to make its funding recommendations. The process generally moves from the top of the rankings list downward until all available funding is allocated.
As the Committee recommends a grant amount for an applicant, staff immediately confirm which endowment fund is available to grant for their application. Because most endowment funds have some grant criteria, it is possible funds will not be available to grant to a specific project, even if it ranks very high on the list. For example, if the top three projects happen to be for youth, we may run out of “youth-specific” funds after we award #1 and #2. In that case, the third high quality youth grant request could potentially not receive funding.
Foundation staff take the Grant Committee’s funding recommendations to the Foundation Board’s Community Impact Committee for review and approval.
How long does it take to decide who will receive funding?
From application deadline date to final approval by the Community Impact Committee (CIC), the decision-making process will take approximately 8 to 10 weeks.
After the CIC’s approval, all applicants (successful and unsuccessful) are notified by email.
What are eligible expenses?
The Foundation will accept application requests for most types of expenses. In fact, it’s easier to consider what we won’t fund, as you will see in another FAQ below.
We will fund the start up of a new project, wages associated with a specific program, bridge financing, organizational development activities, training costs, operating expenses like rent (under certain circumstances), and most other things you can think of.
It’s important for applicants to understand that the Foundation wishes to invest in change, but we recognize that change takes time. We don’t want to be a regular revenue line item on your annual operating budget, but if you need an infusion of cash to get started (or stay afloat) then perhaps we can work together.
If you have plans for how to improve the long-term prospects of your charity or clients, but need funding to test the idea and move towards measurable outcomes then, again, maybe there’s a fit.
How much money is available each year?
The total amount of funds available for granting is determined annually. About 1/2 of our annual granting is pre-designated by donors.
Keep in mind that the Foundation doesn’t usually have FULL discretion with its grant decisions. Most of our funds have some criteria that we must honour when selecting recipients. For example, the Smith Family Fund may have $10,000 available for granting, but if Mr. & Mrs. Smith have specified animal welfare projects as their area of interest, then we can only grant to groups that fit that criteria.
What are ineligible expenses?
- Establishing or adding to endowment funds
- Establishing or adding to operating reserves
- Establishing or adding to a capital campaign
- Sponsoring a general fundraising event
- Projects that have a primary purpose of promoting political or religious activities or beliefs
What is the value of a typical grant?
Most of our grants fall in the $3,000 to $15,000 range. Multi-year operating grants are typically $12,000 to $15,000 per year. The value of our annual discretionary granting pool greatly impacts the sizes of grants we are able to provide.
Our 2024 Foundation Grant Recipients
The following organizations received grants through our 2024 Foundation grant cycle, which took place in the Fall of 2023:
Agur Lake Camp Society – Campground Assistant
Autism Okanagan – Penticton Youth and Adult Program (YAP) for People with Autism
B.C. Wildlife Federation – South Okanagan Wetland Restoration
Cawston Primary School PAC – Subsidized Lunch Program
Columbia Elementary PAC – Hot Lunch Equality Fund
Desert Sun Counseling and Resource Centre – Cindy Taylor Safe Home (multi-year grant: year 2 of 3)
Dragonfly Pond Family Society – Family Get Together
Inclusive Community Garden Society – Community Garden Greenhouse Completion Project
Incredible Edible Penticton – Raised garden bed replacement
Kaleden Community Association – Making Pioneer Park More Accessible
Keremeos Senior Center Society – Equipment and Security Upgrades
Lower Similkameen Community Services Society – Similkameen Starfish Pack
NeighbourLink Summerland – Christmas Senior Care Packages Program
Oasis United Church – Food Cupboard
Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance – Meadowlark Nature Festival
Oliver Senior Centre Society – Safety and Security Upgrades
OneSky Community Resources – Operating Support for Aging Well Penticton
Osoyoos & District Arts Council – Portable sound equipment for public concerts
Osoyoos Seniors Centre Association – Technology upgrade: multi function printer
Penticton Academy of Music & Dramatic Arts – Operating and Bursary Support
Penticton and Area Access Centre – Triage Receptionist
Penticton Art Gallery – Gifts of Madness: community-wide arts project focused on mental health
Penticton Recovery Resource Society – Discovery House (multi-year grant: year 3 of 3)
Penticton Soupateria Society – Meals Program
Princess Margaret Secondary School – Maggie’s Lunch Program
Princeton & District Community Services Society – Princeton Meals on Wheels
Ryga Festival Society – Marketing and Communications Support
South Okanagan Loss Society – Families Living With Loss Program
Summerland Food Bank & Resource Centre Society – Seed to Feed Program
Summerland Singers and Players Society – Marketing, outreach and promotion support
TFL Technology for Living – Technology for Independent Living Program
The Canadian Red Cross Society: South Okanagan HELP Service – Replacement Bed Rail Assists
Trout Lake Elementary School – Breakfast Program
Vermilion Forks Elementary School – Vermilion Forks Breakfast Club
Vermilion Forks Metis Association – Metis Threads & Traditions