Foundation Bursary Program

General Eligibility Requirements

The Community Foundation offers bursaries to both graduating and returning students, including adult students, in the South Okanagan Similkameen region.

Eligible applicants must:

  • graduate from high school in the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) this year, or have graduated from high school in the RDOS within the last five years; OR
  • currently reside within the boundaries of the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (students living outside the region to attend a post-secondary institution must have their primary residence within the RDOS).

Each of our award funds may also have specific eligibility requirements. Please read through each of our funds’ eligibility criteria under the Available Bursaries section below.

If you have additional questions about our bursary program, please contact Kevin Ronaghan at

When to Apply

The following chart shows the timeline for our 2025 bursary cycle:

March 31, 2025May 2, 2025May 3 to June 30, 2025Early July 2025July 2025 onwards
Bursary cycle opensBursary cycle closes.
All applications must
be received by 5pm.
Applications are reviewed
and award decisions are made.
All applicants are notified
and award forms are sent out.
Award funds are sent
to institutions
or paid to students.

Available Bursaries

The following funds will offer bursary awards in 2025:

  1. Sharon Amos Legacy Fund for the Arts
  2. Irene & Charles Armstrong Bursary Fund
  3. Belyea Brothers Bursary Fund
  4. Culver Family Bursary Fund
  5. Thea Haubrich Legacy Fund
  6. Lynn & Brian Jackson Endowment for Fine Arts
  7. L&R Supplementary Bursary Fund
  8. Alanna Matthew Fund
  9. Eva & Herbert Rosinger Scholarship Fund
  10. Dr. John & Kathy Scarfo Bursary Fund
  11. South Okanagan Indigenous Education Fund
  12. Kaleden Bursary Fund (separate application process; please see instructions below)

Eligibility criteria for each of these funds are found by clicking on each fund name below. Please carefully review the criteria before starting your application.  Applicants are welcome to apply for multiple bursaries, provided they meet the criteria of each bursary they apply for.

Sharon Amos Legacy Fund for the Arts

Irene & Charles Armstrong Bursary Fund

Belyea Brothers Bursary Fund

Tara Bowie Bursary Fund

Culver Family Bursary Fund

Thea Haubrich Legacy Fund

Lynn & Brian Jackson Endowment for Fine Arts

L&R Supplementary Bursary Fund

Alana Matthew Fund

Morris & Birgit Rosenberg Bursary Fund

Eva & Herbert Rosinger Scholarship Fund

Dr. John & Kathy Scarfo Bursary Fund

South Okanagan Indigenous Education Fund

Kaleden Bursary Fund (separate application process)

Application Process

PLEASE NOTE: We use a online application system.  If you are unable to apply online, please contact our Grants Administrator at (236) 500-1243 or

To begin your application, click the green “Apply Here” button below. This button will only be active during the application period from March 321st through May 2nd. Clicking the button will open a new window where you can sign in to our online application system.

    If you have applied to our bursary program in a previous year, you will already have your e-mail address and password registered in our system. Please log on using those credentials. If you don’t remember your existing log on information, please click the “Forgot Your Password?” link.

    If you have not applied for a bursary before, click on the “Create new Account” link and follow the instructions.

    Important Note: our application software is optimized for organizations, and that means there are some workarounds for an individual bursary applicant. When you reach the Organization Information section of the “Create New Account” page, ensure you do the following:

    • Fill in only the starred (*) fields
    • Organization Name: please use your family (last) name
    • CRA Registration Number: enter 000000000RR0000 (9 zeros, RR, 4 zeros)
    • Address: please use the address of your permanent residence
    • Telephone: please use the number where you are most easily reached

    Once you have created and or/signed into your account, you can start your application by clicking the “Application – CFSOS Bursary” link on your Applicant Dashboard. You can access your application at anytime prior to final submission by logging in with your username and password.  

    Congratulations to our 2024 Bursary Recipients!

    • Dr. John and Kathy Scarfo Bursary Fund (11 awards): Maya Lefebvre, Daryl-lee Schalm, Camryn Sweeney, Amer Mach, Hashanah Cabug-Os, Riota Issacs, Brook Letourneau, Josephine Kay, Yar Mach, Daniel Nixon, Javier Carlos 
    • Eva & Herbert Rosinger Scholarship Fund (2 awards): Devan O’Gorman, Angela Omojuwa   
    • L&R Supplementary Bursary Fund: Larissa Watt
    • Culver Family Bursary Fund: Amy Lucich
    • Irene & Charles Armstrong Bursary Fund: Meghan Harms
    • South Okanagan Indigenous Education Fund (2 awards): Kyra Souch, Ciara Browne
    • Belyea Brothers Fund (3 awards): Taylor Bierlmeier, Owen Blaine, Viktoria Quindt 
    • Sharon Amos Legacy Fund for the Arts (4 awards): Tianna Ferlizza, Samuel Kleiver, Jackson van Raes, Starla Rorison 
    • Lynn and Brian Jackson Endowment for Fine Arts: Kyrah van der Merwe
    • Alana Matthew Fund: Josephine Kay

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