The Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen and RBC were happy to award $15,000 to Foundry Penticton for their Therapeutic Waiting Space Project and $15,000 to the Erris Volunteer Fire Department for their Junior Firefighter program.

Today’s problems need more than yesterday’s solutions. We need bold new thinking to help meet the challenges of the future. The RBC Future Launch Community Challenge is a call to action for youth, and an opportunity to bring young leaders to the decision-making table as we build strong and vibrant communities for the future.
The Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen is pleased to host the RBC Future Launch Community Challenge, and have up to $30,000 available for youth-led projects in communities in the South Okanagan and Similkameen that will respond to one central question:
What is your boldest idea to respond to an urgent local need?
By applying for a grant and bringing a local project to life, youth will have opportunities to lead, learn new skills, gain experience, and build relationships in their local communities — all things that will help them prepare for the future of work.
Youth and organizations are invited to team up to submit an application to the RBC Future Launch Community Challenge. All eligible applications will be submitted by a partnership between youth, aged 15 – 29, and a partner organization that is a qualified donee*.
Each application will be required to demonstrate the role played by both youth and the partner organization. Each grant will be made to the partner organization, who would accept it on behalf of the partnership.
The RBC Future Launch Community Challenge will consider funding requests from youth-led projects that respond to an urgent local need in a participating community.
When developing project ideas, applicants are encouraged to experiment with new ideas and to build relationships between community members.
What does ‘youth-led’ mean?
To be considered eligible, youth, aged 15-29, will lead the creation, design, and/or implementation of the project. As a guide, eligible projects will see the majority of the decisions and activities for each project (60%+) led by youth.
What is an ‘urgent local need’?
Canadian communities are as diverse as young people themselves — and community members have the best sense of what’s needed locally. Projects may focus on a wide diversity of local priorities, which could include:
• The environment • Wellness
• Food security • Inclusion
• Employment • Belonging
• Learning • Reconciliation and restoration
• Health • Other community priorities
Be sure to download the Applicant Guide below to learn more about eligible projects and importnat information about the application process.
CFSOS will accept applications from May 22 to September 30th, 2019. Grant Announcements will be made at the beginning of November, 2019.
For more information on the involvement of the Community Foundation of the South Okanagan Similkameen in the RBC Future Launch Community Challenge, email: sarahtrudeau@cfso.net